Season 2 - Interview 5: Carly Kocurek

We’re back!

This week, we have our final full interview for this batch of episodes, with Dr. Carly Kocurek. We had the chance to learn more about the interplay between humour, game technologies and moral panics.

Dr. Kocurek is a cultural historian specialized in the study of new media technologies and video games! She is the author of Coin-Operated Americans: Rebooting Boyhood at the Video Game Arcade and  Brenda Laurel: Pioneering Games for Girls. Dr. Kocurek also co-founded and co-edits the Influential Game Designers book series, as well as being a prolific author and game designer.

Sponsored by TAG (Technology, Art and Games) @ Concordia University.


Season 3 Episode 1 - Krista Bonello Rutter Giaponne, Tomasz Z. Majkowski & Jaroslav Švelch


Season 2 - Interview 4: Karina Popp